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  Grow your business with these marketing elements - marketing 5ps   Marketing is nothing more than the art of promoting services and go...


Grow your business with these marketing elements - marketing 5ps



Marketing is nothing more than the art of promoting services and goods on the Internet using multiple platforms. Without a doubt, this is the most effective and reliable business solution for any business owner who wants to take his business to a new level.

Marketing Elements, also known as Marketing (Mix 5ps) , are essential tools to help you choose and create the right marketing strategies for your business. These key elements are used for the strategic positioning of the business.

It makes you think about what areas of your business you can change or improve to help you meet the needs of your target market, add value, and differentiate your product or service from your competitors.

The five areas you need to make decisions are PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, LOCATION, AND PEOPLE.

Although the 5 Ps are somewhat controllable, they always depend on your internal and external marketing environment. Read on to learn more about each of the "P."

                       KEY ELEMENTS OF MARKETING - The Marketing  5Ps


The product or service element refers to what you offer your customers in general. Product solutions include functionality, branding, packaging, service, quality, appearance, and warranty terms.

Customers should understand the features, advantages, and benefits of buying goods or services.

When you think about your product, consider the key features, advantages, and needs, and desires of customers. For example, if you are a food manufacturer, you can add a few new flavors to expand your assortment. The unique value proposition of the product and its various advantages - of course, taking into account the target customer base - should be easily understood.




Price refers to the pricing strategy of products and services and how it will affect customers. Pricing decisions include:

  • The sale price and discounts.
  • Payment mechanisms.
  • Credit terms.
  • Any price comparison services offered.

When determining the pricing strategy, it is important to consider the business's position in the current market. For example, if a company is advertised as a supplier of high-quality mechanical equipment, product prices should reflect this. If you are a premium food product, then your price should be higher than that of lower quality products to reflect the better packaging and quality of the ingredients you offer.



Promotion refers to the activity that makes the business more known to the consumer. Promotion can include digital and traditional advertising - from online advertising to radio and television commercials, as well as email and social media marketing, search engine optimization, and much more. Since the costs of promotion can be high, it is crucial to conduct a break-even analysis when making decisions about promotion. It is important to understand the value of the client and whether it is worth holding promotions to purchase them.

First, you need to determine who your target market is, what media they consume, what the cost of these media, how many more sales you need to cover your investment, and how you will collect information showing how the promotion has worked.




Location refers to the place where a company's product/service is viewed, produced, sold, or distributed. Placement decisions are related to distribution channels and ways of delivering the product to target key customers. (For example, through a storefront, online, or distributor), location, logistics, service level, and market coverage.

It's important to consider how accessible a product or service is and ensure customers can easily find you. The product or service must be available to customers at the right time, in the right place, and quantity.

For example, suppose you are thinking about expanding your business online. In that case, you need to think about how your customers use the Internet, whether they will feel comfortable buying your products online, and whether they will be willing to pay the shipping cost of your products.

If you want to grow your business, you may consider changing or expanding the way you sell your goods and services. For example, if you are a distributor of household goods, you may consider setting up a new store elsewhere or providing franchises. Placement significantly affects the success of marketing, especially if consumers are not actively following your offers.




People relate to staff, salespeople, and those who work in business. Decisions made by people are usually focused on customer service – how do you want your employees to be perceived by customers? You need to consider both your employees and customers if you are thinking about developing your business. This includes understanding the needs and desires of your customers, setting goals, and measuring the level of customer service so that you attract and retain loyal customers.

You will also need to think about training staff so that they have the skills to offer the best experience and meet customer expectations.



John is considering opening a jet ski shop catering to travelers and tourists. To position his business, John can consult with five marketing departments as follows:


Product: Round-the-clock water ski rental for people in the city for a short period. A limited liability form must be signed by people participating in the service and a cash deposit in case of damage.


Price: Cheap jet ski trips to meet the budget constraints of travelers and tourists. 10% discount on water skiing trips on the recommendation of a travel agency.


Promotions: Facebook Instagram page and Twitter handle to promote the business. Paid promotions are also held on the websites of travel agencies.


Place: Convenient location for access from existing transit systems.


People: Friendly staff who loves to meet travelers and offers exceptional customer service.



Mastering these 5 points is an ideal approach to expanding brand reach and executing a successful marketing plan. Whether brands want to add value to customers' lives, increase the speed of market entry, or increase the operational effectiveness of their marketing efforts, they need to put people at the center of their strategies. But to meet the needs of modern consumers, they need the above elements necessary to access, analyze and take action on customers' data.




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