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20 Ideas For The Perfect Christmas /New Year Holidays

  Holidays are full of magic, miracles and fulfillment of wishes! This is a wonderful occasion to gather in a cozy family circle, decorate t...



Holidays are full of magic, miracles and fulfillment of wishes! This is a wonderful occasion to gather in a cozy family circle, decorate the house, arrange a noisy party, succumb to the pleasant pre-holiday bustle, do shopping, make gifts with your own hands, launch fireworks and do many more interesting and fun-filled things. But we especially love this holiday, because it is  a long-awaited vacation!


 We have prepared for you 20 ideas on how to spend the holidays so that they go perfectly. You had no idea how much you can do in this wonderful time — there is a place for rest, useful things, and fascinating discoveries.


1. Start keeping a personal diary.

Many of us promise ourselves to start life with a clean slate especially in the new year. So why not fulfill this promise? It doesn't matter what your diary will be — paper or electronic. It is important not to throw it away and take notes regularly. And if you already keep records, then try something new: a photo diary, a voice diary or a training diary.

 2. Read some books.

We all say that we want and will read more, but the permanent excuse "I don't have enough time to read" negates everything. You can simply find a quiet to climb into a chair with a blanket and tea and immerse yourself in reading. Surely you have your own must read list.


3. Embark on a journey you've been dreaming about for a long time.

Almost every person has a city or country where they've wanted to visit for a long time. Be adventurous  and fulfill your dream - give yourself a trip and let it be unforgettable. All adventures are good in moderation.


4. Help those in need.

One of the best ways to give yourself the best holiday is to arrange it for someone else. Yes, few of us are able to donate large sums to those in need. But collecting books and things that you no longer in use, buying a bag of lollipops and going to the nearest orphanage is something that almost everyone of us can do. And if you are a volunteer or an active student who has a company of like-minded people, you can arrange a Christmas or new year concert or performance for the guys.


5. Be a tourist in your own city

Surely there are hundreds of places in your town that you haven't had time to visit yet: museums, galleries, and maybe even theaters and cinemas. Make a list and catch up on the festive holidays.


6.Take pictures

During the holidays, it's not a sin  to pick up a camera, because there are so many things around that are worth capturing: beautiful winter landscapes, smiling faces of relatives and friends, and just cute little things that will attract your attention.


7. Throw a New Year's party

Christmas and New Year's holidays are a wonderful time for a party. Do not give up the opportunity to spend time with friends and organize a holiday that you will remember with a smile all year round.


 8. Take up your favorite hobby

Someone likes to cook, someone likes to embroider, and someone disappears in the garage for days on end, perfecting their favorite car. New Year's holidays are a wonderful time that you can spend exclusively on your favorite activities, so do not deny yourself this.


 9. Make a to-do list for the year and start doing them

We all like to make lists, but very often they remain only in our head or on paper. Try to change this: write down the tasks for the year and start doing them today or tomorrow. Thanks to this list, you will not only provide yourself with a less boring vacation, but also learn to be more organized.


10. Watch New Year's movies

If you are an avid moviegoer, then, of course, you will not be able to deny yourself this pleasure. For those who do not want to stay at home, the best option is to visit cinemas that will delight with New Year's novelties. And for everyone else, holidays are a great time to review your favorite childhood movies.


11. Take time for yourself

Go to the pool, gym, beauty salon, treat yourself to new clothes. In the whirlwind of everyday affairs and worries, we so often do not have enough time for this, so try to fix it during the Christmas/New Year holidays.


12. Learn a culinary skill


When, if not during the festive holidays, you can treat yourself to  beautiful and delicious holiday baking recipes you can find and create a real masterpiece! Cook with the whole family and don't forget to invite friends to dinner to show off your culinary successes.


 13. Visit relatives

If for some reason it was not possible to celebrate the Christmas holiday with your relatives, then do not despair: you have a the New Year's vacation to visit your loved ones.


 14. Learn something new

Learn a new foreign language, learn to photograph professionally, walk, solve problems creatively… New Year's holidays are the best time to start developing comprehensively, and a variety of online courses will help you in this. Develop time to self education.


 15. Take up a hobby

Hobbies are your corner of creativity and harmony. Have you always dreamed of learning how to draw or make a florarium?

Or maybe you already have a hobby that you haven't returned to for a long time? Take time for an old hobby or start a new one, because there is enough time for this during the holidays.


16. Get rid of everything superfluous

In Italy, there is an unusual tradition: to throw away old things on New Year's Eve, including small-sized furniture. It is believed that this frees up space for everything new and good and helps to get rid of unfulfilled desires, failures and what needs to be left in the past. It is not necessary to act like the Italians, but it is very useful to put things in order and distribute unnecessary things: the house will become freer and more comfortable

17. Reconnect With Friends, Extended Family, and Colleagues

Christmas/New Year season is one of the perfect time to reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while. We all get busy, especially around the holidays, so the slowing of holiday events provides more breathing room to consider reconnecting with people in your life. Dial a few friends and colleagues, or send an e-mail sharing life updates, season's greetings, and an invitation for responses.


18. Play games


 At one of these festive gatherings, arrange a real board game club with prizes for the winners. Monopoly, Chess, Ludo, Scrabble, Mafia, Munchkin, Truth or Dare, Guess the Character, Evolution, Elias, Twister  are the most modest list of board games for a great party!


19. Shopping

A stroll through the shops and shopping centers, where everything is so elegantly decorated and Christmas/ New Year's sales are in effect, is especially pleasant when you can not rush anywhere. In addition, New Year's fairs will become a colorful place for shopping, where a magical atmosphere reigns and you can buy unique handmade items or just treat yourself to delicious food and drinks.


20 .Make plans for next year

In order for wishes to be fulfilled and goals to be realized, it is best to formulate them clearly. This will give you an understanding of the general direction of action, help you decide on a step-by-step plan for the implementation of your plans, and possibly open up completely new aspects of life. Write down everything that comes to mind: acquiring a verbal form, the thought becomes clearer and more real. You can break everything into several spheres and describe the goals for each, for example: family, career, friends, hobbies, travel, self-development, and so on. Or just describe the goals and dreams that you have planned to realize in the New Year. And we sincerely wish that everything you have planned will certainly turn out and come true!


 We hope that our selection will help you decide what exactly you want from the main holiday of the year.

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